Saturday 12 December 2015

Some colleagues can block my progress –Halima Abubakar

I am an actress/producer and I have six siblings. My dad was a senior banker but he left when the bank liquidated. He pitched his tent with other organisations before he retired.

UN Peace Ambassador
I have visited the Internally Displaced Persons’ camps also and invited some musicians to perform for them. I have been at it for nearly a year.

Charity foundation
I started my charity foundation because I was motivated by the hunger I experienced when I was younger. I experienced so much hardship and lack when I newly relocated to Lagos some years ago. I was hungry and did not have money most of the time. I did not get help because some people were not compassionate to me. That made me develop the passion to help people in need.

Current projects
I have been working on other people’s projects. But, I have three of my own productions already in the works. One of the movies has been premiered and released into the market. I intend to premiere two others before they are released.

Typical day
I have not had a day of absolute rest in last two months. I am always working and it has been really hectic.

I am not the same person I was two years ago; I am more reserved now. It will be difficult to spot me at an event except you are used to my signature perfume. Also, I have not been visible lately because of my work. I do not even have enough time to attend weddings and the things that bothered me in the past no longer matter to me. I am also amazed at how matured I have become.

My motivation in life is to get better than I am, to be good to mankind and to obtain the favour of God.

As a celebrity I am under so much pressure to please people. I speak bluntly whenever I am fed up with an issue. If I cannot handle a thing, I speak out without having to displease myself in order to please someone else. People are often surprised to know that I spend my hard-earned money to feed an entire school.

I do not need to have a misunderstanding with someone before I post anything on social media. I only pay attention to those who understand what it means. I am a writer and I am addicted to quotes.

I am in an industry where people find it hard to congratulate you when there is good news. I often celebrate others and I am aware that not everyone can be like me. Most of my colleagues do not congratulate themselves whenever a feat has been achieved. I do not wait for people’s commendation because it would not fetch me money. I appreciate those who do and I do not care about the rest who don’t. Some of my colleagues are capable of blocking every avenue of opportunity that comes my way. I pay attention to those who do not clap when I win because they are the ones I must avoid. These same people will invite you to their movie set and act as though they are your true friends.

I have not had time for leisure for a long time. I only unwind when I am on vacation.

I had my first tattoo at 18. I got two other ones when I was 20. I once tattooed someone’s name on my body but I later covered it up. All my tattoos have meanings and I do not just draw them for the fun of it. However, some of them are invisible.

I do not know if I have any special beauty routine but I know I bath more than three times a day. Even when I am shooting, I always find a way to have a bath. I like cleanliness a lot and I like to change my hairdo regularly. I also wear different colours of hairstyles depending on my mood.

I love gowns. I like to cover myself partly because of the weather and also because I am more mature than I was in the past.


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