Sunday 29 November 2015

Sonita Gets IDFA Audience Award, Smiles Home With 5k Euros

One of the documentairies that rocked the 2015 edition of International Documentary Festival Amsterdam is Sonita by Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghanmi. The documentary tells the story of 18-year-old Afghan Sonita Alizadeh, who lives illegally in Iran and dreams of a career as a rapper. Maghami, the director of Sonita led the poll of audience in Iran,Germany and Swittzerland right from the start of the festival. Having won the prestigious award, Ghaem is carting home 5 thousand Euros . Boudewijn de Groot Come Closer by Suzanne Raes won the IDFA Music Audience Award (€ 2,500) for the music documentary scoring highest with audiences. The documentary follows singer Boudewijn de Groot as he prepares for a concert in which bids farewell to his biggest hits. Earlier last week, Sonita which was made with support from the IDFA Bertha Fund also won the IDFA DOC U Award.


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